Choosing the Right Hang Hole Bags for Your Product Packaging

One of the most-used components of your customized packaging pouch is the hang hole. The simple addition of a clean, circular-cut creates lots of form and function pouch enhancements.

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illustration of a stand-up pouch beside a real solo shot of the same pouch with functional add-on labels

One of the most-used components of your customized packaging pouch is the hang hole. The simple addition of a clean, circular cut creates lots of form and function pouch enhancements.

A hang hole is a slot in a package that enables it to be hung on a commercial display hook. It is generally located at the top of the package, and we typically combine it with a header closure.

zoomed in shots of the standard hang hole, osha hang hole, and butterfly hang hole

We've had customers overlook hang hole bags and pouches often, yet they are essential for various applications.

Adding a hang hole allows for the expansion of shelf displays in small spaces. With this feature, any of your packaged products are candidates for impulse, point-of-sale, or end-cap-ready items. This space-saving method has been around for a long time and is still practical. 

A hang-hole, usually located at the top center of your bag below the seal line, is suitable for retail-ready packaging. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Hang holes with a center punch, a Delta hang hole, an Osha hang hole, and more. Any kind of pouch format can have hang holes, and we can add them to any sized pouch.

Learn how to choose the correct type of hang hole for your products with our summary below:

Hang Hole Application

The arrangement of shelf space is an integral part of marketing your products. Often, maximizing the limited shelf space provided by stores can be challenging.

We understand that our clients may face difficult display options, and we are committed to offering various options and solutions. When it comes to the display of your product, our ability to add custom hang holes to our stand-up bags and flat pouches offers more flexibility.

1. Standard/Round/Center Punch Hang Hole

These are ideal for display hooks and single-prong pegs. They're among our most cost-effective options, and they meet a variety of market demands for smaller, lighter-weight packaging.

2. Delta/Osha Hang Hole

This hang hole is perhaps the most versatile of all of our hang holes options.

The delta hanging hole area is designed to operate with practically any peg or hook. The package's top middle apex allows it to lie precisely aligned on single prong hooks, while its width allows it to nestle properly centered on broader peg fixtures.

solo shot of a stand-up pouch with the osha hang hole

3. Butterfly/Sombrero/Inverted T

A sombrero hole receives its name from its resemblance to the silhouette of a sombrero, a hat with a wide brim and high crown popular in Mexico. It is adaptable because it allows a product to hang from either a single-pronged display hook or a Euro-style loop hook, making it ideal for displaying smaller merchandise items in a retail setting.

It is also known as an "Inverted T" hole, and it comes in a range of sizes to fit any retail display system. A single hole is required for most purposes; however, we can certainly add numerous holes if necessary.

solo shot of a stand-up pouch with the butterfly hole

Why Choose Pouch Me?

Barrier packaging and custom printed stand-up pouch technology are at the core of Pouch Me's expertise. Our staff can accomplish everything that can be done using barrier film, labels, liners, and customized bags. 

We can work on any bag or pouch project with any budget, and shipment is fast and always free, no minimum amount required. Not only are our hang hole bags FDA-certified, but they are also free of BPA, TSE, Sulfur, and Phthalates.

Order Your Custom Hang Hole Bags Now!

With our hang hole application service, you can save even more shelf space. You can hang your bags and pouches on the wall and display hooks instead of putting them on shelves by adding a hang hole to your packaging bags.

Hanging holes give your food packaging an extra boost in marketing and advertising. The addition of a hang hole is ideal for packaging on-the-go foods like beef jerky, trail mixes, and other snack foods that may be displayed in impulsive aisles and other points of sale. Most stand-up pouches and some flat pouches can benefit from our hang-hole application service.

- Choosing the Right Hang Hole For Custom Pouches FAQs -

What is a hang hole?

A hang hole is a slot in a package. This slot creates a space where any retail hook can latch onto, so that the pouch can be hung instead of sit on the shelf.

You can find hang holes usually at the top of the package. Most people combine hang holes with a header closure. 

What are the most common types of hang holes?

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